Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I really always wanted to be a columnist. It would have to be a mix between Dr. Phil, Carrie from Sex and the City, and Miss Manners. I want to make people laugh and realize that everyone is human and we all make mistakes but it doesn't mean those mistakes cannot be fixed or atoned for.

But this begs the question, (and yes Mr. M. from Military History class, I know you think I just used that phrase incorrectly. I'm truly sorry. Maybe you should have given me a better grade...huh?)--is it possible for all mistakes  to be fixed? How is it that we are taught as children that when we mess up we're supposed to say "sorry" and never do it again and expect for that to be the finite answer. Is the mistake "fixed" if I forgive myself or do I have to wait for someone else to forgive me first?

What about the mistakes that cause someone else pain? This might sound selfish, but technically I made the mistake so how can you get hurt and upset? Why are my mistakes always connected to someone else? But I guess it all equals out because ultimately hurting someone else hurts me more in the end anyways. It isn't possible to never make mistakes, but it is possible not to make the ones that really hurt someone else. Just make little ones instead, haha.

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