Monday, March 14, 2011

Random thoughts for the day

1. I don't know if many people have heard Taylor Swift's song "Speak Now" and actually listened carefully to the words but it doesn't make any sense. At first, its a cute catchy romantic song which is 1 of 2 themes in her music anyways. But once you listen to it says something about this guy is marrying the wrong girl and Taylor's character interrupts to keep him from doing that and says that he wishes he was marrying Taylor instead. But if he had actually wanted to marry Taylor's character in the first place why is he about to marry someone else? If you were the one, he would be marrying you. Duh. Stupid Taylor Swift.
2. Pedestrians and bikers really need to learn traffic laws. Just because you're a pedestrian does not mean you can cut in front of people with NO CROSS WALK. You don't own the road. And just because I can't legally hit you does not mean I can't honk at you until your ears are ringing for days. Learn to walk. If it comes down to you versus a car, I'm pretty sure the car would win. Just sayin'.
3. My roommate/bff, Lauren, told me today never to let her eat boogers. Why would she eat boogers in the first place? And then I was informed that this is her mnemonic for remembering the white blood cells in the body. Still weird.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I just started my first blog ever and I'm pretty darn excited. So what do I put on these things?
I think I'd like to start by saying that walking around on campus when its cold and rainy absolutely sucks.